Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Cyberspace 2: The Website!

Here we have it! After many years of denying the need for a real website, we have stepped into a new cybernetic future. We're really just stepping it up all over the place. We're trying to get our records out to new stores, and we're trying to help distribute records by friends of ours. We may actually start using Discogs instead of cataloging our collection in text.

It's been a real good year so far... Uh, well, no... No, actually it has been a pile-of-hot-garbage year. DAMN I'm sorry I brought up the year! UGH. For our record label though, one thing that we affect directly, it has been good. You should come by and see us here:

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Hey Everybody

Greetings to all of you! This is an update for those of you who are still with us from the long ago. I'm happy to announce a second 7" has been ordered for July. I'm also working with a band in preparing to press their LP on our label. I will tell you more later. Thanks for being interested, and I hope to have more news for you soon!